It's been forever man..
Since I updated this thing..xP
I've been hanging out with my friends a lot since summer started...
Yayyy. =]
And my dad just ran over a turtle that was in our garage...o_O
But apparently it's still alive. =]
So that's good, ayy?
And I swear this chick looks like a prettier girl version of Jeffery Star...O_O
Yeah...Next time I go to Best Buy or Target, Imma gunna get her cd. =D
Well, buh bai now. :]
alisa. <33
Oh! I saw her on iTunes! Jeez. She looks like Alicia and Jeffree's lovechild...O_O
I agree with Fluffy..
she DOES look like Alicia, and Jefree's Star's love child.
I think Alicia has something she hasn't told the public..
Well I'm not going to sign in since I'm on Grandmommy's computer so I'll just comment like this.
Anyway, why didn't you keep the turtle?
I want a pet turtle.
And you spelled Miss Star's name wrong.
And in case you are wonderng people call him that on his MySPace....I know.
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