Whee. Random stuff that fills my day! :]

Monday, May 12, 2008

Whoo Hoo

Saturday I went to this Orthodontist Patient Appreciation thing and had lots of fun.
I think what made it the most fun though was when it rained. xD
Because they had one of those big slide things, and an obstacle course, and a bungee run thingamajigger, and when it was all wet and slippery it was aweshome. =]
Aaaand, on top of getting wet from the rain and playing on the wet equipment, me and my friend both got dunked in the dunking booth. xD
So we were soaking wet, but it was still a lot of fun. =]
And then I went home with her and spent the night at her house, and went to church with her Sunday.
Ahh yess...lots of fun we had...

Friday, May 9, 2008

Jesus Christ!

I'm horrible at updating this freakin' thing!
Uh yeah.
I had lots of funnn....
Last weekend one of my friend's spent the night with me and my sister at my grandparents house...
and then I came back home and stayed at my house..and the next day I went back to my grandparents house and my other friend stayed too. :D
Yup, fun.
And then last night I went to my Cotillion and it was really fun.
We danced [The Waltz] a whole bunch...and then at the end we did a whole bunch of fun songs like the Cha Cha slide, and the chicken dance, and the Macarena, and fun shtuff like dat. :3
Yup yup, funnn.
Aaaand then today I went to this little garden place and afterwards my friends went to Wal-Mart with us and me and my sister both got our second hole pierced in our ears. =] And then we all came back to my house and had fun...and then we went to Arby's and then took them home...and basically the whole way home me and my friend were tickling each other...hehehe...
Funnn funnn times I've had....